If you are considering applying for an Axis Bank Credit Card, you can get a number of credit card options. There’s a credit card to suit every kind of spending pattern. For instance, if you are a professional, you may want the Axis Bank My Business Credit Card offered with a host of perks for businesspeople and professionals. Axis cards come with reward points and cashback deals, and you should learn how to access aspects related to services that come with your card, like Axis net banking online.
About Axis Credit Card
Axis Bank Credit Cards suit the requirements of individuals, and these include rewards while shopping, travel vouchers, dining vouchers, etc. You also get Axis Bank Credit Cards linked to shopping portals, like the Flipkart Axis Bank Credit Card, offering you cashback while you shop. You end up saving money, as well as earn reward points. Axis cards come with high cash limits and offer low interest rates when you spend on products on EMI (in some cards), plus the annual fee for the initial year of use may be waived. Nonetheless, you should know how to make the most of the card with value-added services such as knowing your Axis Bank Credit Card status once you apply, etc.
About Axis Credit Card Net Banking Online Services
Through net banking, not only can you track your credit card activity, but you can also pay utility bills. If you already have an Axis Bank account and have net banking, you can go to www.retail.axisbank.co.in and click on ‘Accounts’, then scroll down to ‘My Credit Cards’ to link your card to internet banking services. In case you don’t have net banking, you can register for it online by going to the bank’s website and registering, or calling Axis Bank Credit Card customer care on 18002095577.
About Axis Credit Card Application Status
After applying for your Axis Card, you can check Axis Bank Credit Card status by calling these toll-free numbers:
- 18604195555
- 18605005555
Alternatively, you can check it online on the bank’s website at www.retail.axisbank.co.in Here are steps:
- Select ‘Accounts’ and scroll down to ‘My Credit Cards’ and click.
- You will have to enter your details like mobile number, date of birth, application form number, etc.
- You can submit the details and know the status.
About Axis Credit Card Customer Care
Axis Bank Credit Card customer care can be accessed for any query from choosing the right card to knowing about card balances. You may call the following customer support numbers:
- 18604195555
- 18605005555
Or you may log on to the Axis Bank website and click on the ‘Support Home Page’. Click on ‘Get it done Instantly’. You will get a number of options of actions to execute, like blocking your card, etc. Select any that you want and submit.
Concluding Remarks
Making the choice of an Axis Bank Credit Card is the right one as you get all the benefits of technology in terms of service standards, and if you want to discover more, go over to Finserv MARKETS.